Friday, December 19, 2014


One of my many tasks here, as part of my job in creating and maintaining inventory is to not only log all of our medicines in to a database, but to also keep track of all of the medications that we dispense on a daily basis.
This doesn't seem like too big of a task, until you realize that on average we see between 50-60 patients every day, and that each patient  is generally prescribed at least 5 different medications (as well as items used for breathing treatments, injections, etc.) and it quickly becomes obvious just how big a task this becomes. To make this task even harder, not only do I have to decipher hand written prescription slips from our doctors, but of course everything is written in Spanish, which adds to the confusion :-)
This involves many long hours, peering at papers through my newly needed reading glasses, translating page after page of prescriptions and entering them into a database. While this is necessary for our inventory system, keeping track of what leaves the system on a daily basis, it’s also integral for gaining a good solid average of exactly what and how much of everything that we use in an average week. All of which will help us as we move forward, working towards ordering and maintaining enough stock to ensure we always have what we need, when we need it.

Granted, this isn’t a very fun or glamorous  part of being a Missionary, but I think that if nothing else, it is a good example of how everything we do, no matter how seemingly insignificant, if done in the name of the King can be used for His ultimate glory and to further the Kingdom!

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