Saturday, February 4, 2012

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' …

Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well, and enjoying the weird weather we’re experiencing this winter / spring. Not that I’m complaining, but it just doesn’t seem right that we’ve had days in the 50’s, and had hardly any snow this winter. Perhaps mother nature is just trying to help me acclimate me a little closer to Haitian weather. Or maybe we’re just being set up for the other shoe to drop, so to speak J

It’s hard for me to believe we’re already into the first week of February. My time before I start my service in Haiti is slowly fading away, and sometimes it’s seems like there’s just not enough time to get everything done that needs doing. I have gotten my plane tickets, so I’m officially leaving on the evening of March 30th, flying to Miami, the continuing on Haiti on the next morning. I’ll serve the people of Haiti with the men and women of NWHCM, then return to the states on November 7th, where I’ll meet with a NWHCM representative in Savannah, then returning home to Indiana on the 8th. Now that I have plane tickets and a set date to leave, I’m starting to feel more of a sense urgency to get things done, but I’m just taking deep breaths, saying a prayer for peace, and working on getting things done bit by bit.

On another note, I am very excited that to date I have received monthly pledges to cover just a little over half of  my needs while serving in Haiti. I am very grateful for all of you who have chosen to step out in faith and partner with me. While I still have a way to go, I am not worried, because I know that God is with me, and has plans for my service in Haiti, and I know that he will provide! As it says in Luke, chapter 11: 9-10

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

I am still in need of partners willing to join with me as I serve our God in Haiti, and I hope that you all will consider joining with me. I know that times are tough, the economy is bad, and we are all pulled in many directions. I also know that God has richly blessed all of us, and that the more freely and generously we give, the more we receive. We are called by God to step out in faith, and I would encourage everyone to commit to supporting a missionary this year. Of course, I would love for you to partner with me, but if not, there are thousands of men and women serving God and the Kingdom throughout the world. I would encourage you to partner with one of them, and learn the joy of helping to expand the Kingdom!

On Sunday, February 19th  following services at FCC, we are hosting a “Hearts for Haiti” fundraising dinner. For $5 a person you can have a great dinner (Spaghetti with choice of sauce, salad, bread, dessert and a drink), enjoy some fellowship and learn more about Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, their ministry in Haiti, and my impending service with them. We will also be having some live entertainment and a great silent auction, with all of the proceeds going to help support my work in Haiti. I would love for anyone in the Brazil area to come out on the 19th, have some great food and learn how Northwest Haiti and I are serving, and ways that you too can be involved in Haiti!
I pray that you all stay well, and I would love to speak with you in more detail about the need in Haiti, and my service there. If you would like to reach me, you can either contact me at the church office (812-446-2214) or by email at

Have a great night and weekend, and God Bless!
