Saturday, December 3, 2011

Haiti or Bust

Last week, I was finally able to get with the staff at Northwest Haiti Christian Mission in Zionsville to confirm my plans to join the mission field in Haiti next year. After a few tests and several meetings, i came away with not only the answer to most of my questions, but with a renewed sense of peace about what i’m meant to do and where i’m meant to go.
I will be traveling to Haiti on or around March 30 of next year, to begin a 7 month internship with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission at their main campus in St. Louis Du Nord. I’m very excited to serve with and for the people of Haiti, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.
As i continue the process for preparing to serve, i have a lot to do and figure out. Not only do I need to begin fundraising and seeking prayer support, but I also need to investigate health insurance options,  make plans for what I need to take with me, and just generally figure out how best to prepare for service.
As I prepare and learn, I again invite you to join with me and share my experiences, both here and in Haiti. I look forward to sharing with you, but I also invite you to ask me any questions or tell me any thoughts or suggestions you may have.
Until next time,
bondye beni ou!

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