This past November, I left my home in Haiti to return to the
states, marking the end of my 7 month “Missionary Candidate” process with
NWHCM. My time in Haiti was harder than I ever could have imagined, on many,
many levels. I have seen more poverty, more beauty, felt more amazing joy and
happiness, and suffered such gut wrenching loss that I still am struggling to
process it all. Honestly, I was ready
for a break by Mid-October, than after the loss of Sandley, I was done. I was
so far past my limit that I didn’t know how to function; I just wanted it all
to go away, and I didn’t really care how.
But that’s when God began teaching me my hardest lesson.
When I was done, when I was at the end of the rope and ready and willing to
just give up, I got up. Somehow I managed to continue on, to do what I needed
to do, to fulfill my obligations, to continue to serve the people I love. I
made it through my last 3 weeks and as I boarded the truck for the airport that
last morning, my heart was infinitely heavy, but surprisingly enough it was
because I did not want to leave. I did not want to leave my family, the people
I love and the people I came to serve. As worn out and used up as I felt, I
didn’t want to go, and as I left, I began counting the days till I would be back,
thinking of what I needed to get done before my return.
Now, here is the truly amazing thing to me, and my greatest
lesson learned. I know myself, and I am nowhere near that strong. I know that
it was nothing of me, and all of God’s grace and power that kept me going, that
has confirmed in me that I am where He wants me to be, that I am blessed to
serve Him and His Kingdom in Haiti, and that with and through Him, I can make
it through anything.
I know I will still stumble and fall. I have my own selfish
needs and wants , I get angry, I get sad, sometimes I still let the small
nagging voices cause me to question my purpose, my future, even my very
existence. I am only a mere man (and not a very good example at that) and no
matter how much I want to be like Christ, I can never be. But that’s ok. God
knew that when He created me, He knows me when I am far away and when I am near
to Him, and He still loves me. He loved
me so much, He sent His son to die for me.
With such amazing love and such a terrible sacrifice, all
for me, how can I give anything less than everything I am in His service? I don’t have much, but I’m willing to give my
mind, my body, my sweat, my heart and the blood it pumps, even my very life if
need be, to help spread His name and love to His lost sheep. I am a missionary,
an ambassador of Christ. That’s what I do.
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