Friday, December 19, 2014


I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, Perita. She showed up at the mission several months ago, apparently abandoned, sickly and malnourished. I began sharing my lunch with her, bought some medication to get her a little healthier, and generally just started taking care of her.

First off, I have to explain about her name. I was going for the name “Perrita”, basically translated into little dog or puppy, but since I am unable to roll my R’s, she became “Perita” or translated to mean little pear. Everyone here believes that I named her that based off the fact that she is close to the same color as pears that you can buy here in the market. Either way works, I guess. Perita doesn’t seem to have a preference one way or another.
Perita: Hard at work...
While I was home for my nieces wedding, I was able to pick up some more medication and some other items for her, and she is now doing well and living behind the clinic, next to the containers where I am working. I have to admit it’s nice to be greeted every morning by Perita, my hope is that as she gets a little bigger she will help to provide a little extra security for the clinic at night, on top of providing a little companionship for me as I work :-)

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