Hey all I hope everyone is having a great winter! I wanted to take a couple of minutes just to catch up with all of you. Things have been progressing very well here in my world, and I wanted to share it with all of you.
As a missionary in Haiti, I need to raise financial support in the amount of $1300.00 per month in order to serve. This amount will cover all of my expenses in Haiti, the cost of travel to and from, as well as the cost for health / life insurance. Sitting here at this point in my journey, and looking out at the prospect of finding enough people and churches willing to help support me for the foreseeable suture is very daunting. I think one of the hardest things about going onto the field is finding support, especially in the current economy. Not that people don’t realize the need and want to help, its just finding the “extra” money. It’s difficult, but obviously never impossible. God is in control of all things, uses all things to His purpose, and as followers of the King, we are commanded to spread His truth to the four corners of the world.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:18-20 NIV
All that being said, I know that God is with me and is directing me as I seek to serve in Haiti. Since my first short-term trip in 2008, I have known that I am meant to serve on the mission filed, and my constant prayer since then has been for God to show me where and how He wants to use my life for His glory. I may not know what He has in store for me, or how it will work out, but I know that it will work for His glory if I just put it in His hands, and allow Him to work in my life.
On Saturday January 7th , the Brazil Times, our local newspaper printed an article that they did about me, and my journey unto the mission field (here is a link to their story: http://www.thebraziltimes.com/story/1802108.html). It is a great story, and I am blessed that they chose to write about me, as it’s just another way to get my story out. My hope is that I will not only garner prayer (and possibly some financial) support, but maybe I will also encourage some other people to step out into the mission field, to serve and feel the same joy that I feel while working for the Lord. I’ve also been interviewed by the Spencer Evening World (my hometown)about doing a story, so I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with some old friends from home.
I have been sending out batches of letters to friends and family asking for their support, and I have also been contacting local churches, hopefully in order to have a chance to present my calling to their congregations. Along with this, I have been blessed to meet with several groups at our church to talk about my service, including several of our adult Bible study classes and small groups. I have to admit that I am really not comfortable speaking in front of groups of people, never have been and never will. But once I get up and start speaking of my mission I generally calm down and do a decent job of representing myself, without looking like a blithering idiot J
I should be very nervous, worried and scared about all of this. I should be apprehensive about my future and my work in Haiti. I should be, but I’m not. I know God is in control, and I know God will see me through. At the end of the day, all we have is the knowledge of God’s truth and His promise for our lives.
What more do we need?
God Bless you all,
P.S. ~ On Sunday, February 19th following services at FCC, we are hosting a “Hearts for Haiti” fundraising dinner. For $5 a person you can have a great dinner (Spaghetti with choice of sauce, salad, bread, dessert and a drink), enjoy some fellowship and learn more about Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, their ministry in Haiti, and my impending service with them. We will also be having some live entertainment and a silent auction, with all of the proceeds going to help support my work in Haiti. I would love to invite anyone in the Brazil area to come out on the 19th, have some great food and learn ways you can be involved in Haiti!
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